The School of physics has started in the year 1972 with the intermediate program. In
1974 B.Sc Physics Program (pass course) started and subsequently in the year 1986 B.Sc Physics (Honours) course
started. Very recently in the year 2020 M.Sc physics program has also started. This School significantly contributing
to Physics education in society. The Physics education under the aegis of the Department has come to a long way and
boost of producing excellent teachers and researchers besides scores of successful people in other allied professions.
Consequently, the aluminise of the School are well established in many renowned institutions of India.
The School has engaged itself in modernizing the School and in modifying the syllabi incommensurate with the requirement
of time and subject. Now the Department keeps a vision to pursue teaching, improve the quality of research & service in
the areas of Physics and provide an environment, where the students can learn and become competent users of Physics &
Physical tools. The untiring efforts of the faculty members of the School contribute to the development of students as
devoted thinkers of physics, enabling them to become lifelong learners, to continue to grow in their chosen professions,
and to function as productive citizens.
To foster in physical education and research, technical excellence, well poised between theory and application.
1. To offer globally-relevant, research-focused, technology-enabled education at the
graduate, postgraduate and research levels in various areas of Physical sciences.
2. To contribute to the development of students as physical thinkers, enabling them to become lifelong learners, to continue to grow
in their chosen professions, and to function as productive citizens.
3. To develop and conduct continuing education programs with a view to update their fundamental knowledge base and problem-solving
capabilities in the various areas of core specialization of the University.
4. To develop comprehensive linkages with premier academic and research institutions within the country and abroad for mutual
Name: Mr. Rajendra Kumar Jayaswal |